About Me

Me againHello, I’m Sally. I love good books, red wine and Green & Blacks Ginger chocolate (no other will do!).  I quit corporate life about four years ago, lifted my skirt and ran for the hills.  I now live in Indonesia attempting to communicate the wonders of the English language to students of all ages.

So, this blog.  Well, I’m trying to write after decades of procrastination and, as I’m still figuring out exactly how and what to write, you may have to put up with some fairly random stuff. Oh, by the way, I’m also doing a creative writing course with the Open University, so you may have to put up with reading my assignments too!

If you have a minute, I’d be thrilled if you would read something. If you have more than a minute and can spare the time to comment, any suggestions or observations would be gratefully received.

18 replies

  1. Lovely to meet poets and photographers like you. Interesting blog. 🙂

  2. Hi Sally,
    Hope all is well with you 🙂
    I’ve given you an award of your choice over on my blog! http://shrewdbanana.wordpress.com/2012/10/24/thank-you-thank-you-thank-you/#comments
    Please click to come over anytime to claim it, and also my thanks for nominating me for the Silver Quill Award.

    Best wishes,

  3. Hi Sally,
    I have nominated you for the Silver Quill Blogger Award. This is a new one and it’s a bit exclusive at the moment. Please visit my website to view the rules for accepting the award. Congratulations!

  4. Loving your articles and blog, such a beautiful layout and photography.


  5. Hi Sally, I have tagged you for the Lucky Seven MeMe on my blog as I really like your outlook and “scribblings”. Congrats.

  6. Hi Sally,

    Looks like we have a few things in common – wine, chocolate, writing, teaching, and good books. Sounds like a match!

    Good for you for being brave and making the change and doing what you need to do to follow your dreams. I kept putting off my writing as well, and last year finally decided I didn’t have time to do that anymore. I’m looking forward to reading more of your work and hearing about your adventures. All the best of luck to you!


  7. Halo Sally, I’m here because of your post about Africa. You’re so lucky to had a chance to go to Africa. I am jealous. You live in Indonesia? I am Indonesian and lives in Jakarta. Nice to bumped into your blog. I read that you’re English teacher, forgive my grammar Bu 🙂

  8. Jadi Kamu tinggal di Indonesia, bu? Di mana?

    Tahun lalu aku tinggal di sana selama 18 bulan. Sekerang tinggal di Hong Kong. Mungkin dapan kali, aku bisa mengunjungi kamu ketika aku pergi ke sana?

    Blogmu bagus sekali Sally. Aku mengukuti dari facebookmu. Kalau kamu di Hong Kong, Katakan padaku!!

    • Salamat Pagi Ben. Saya tinggal di BSD Tangarang, saya guru bahasa Ingriss! Mengapa Anda di Indonesia? Ya silakan kunjungi saya ketika Anda berada di sini.
      Doubt if I will visit Hong Kong this year though Ben, trying to stash some cash! Lovely to hear from you after all this time.

  9. Hi Sally. You’re working in Indonesia? How exciting! I would love to have done something like that, maybe I could visit you, well I would if I could get on a plane but sadly I hate to fly. :-). Good luck with the A215 and the blog. I have added you to my blog roll too so now we can keep up with each other. All the best (stay in touch) Annie (Trudy)

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