The wet season

It’s the wet season here in Indonesia.  I can hear the thunder cracking as I sit here typing.  Here is the view from my bedroom window.  It’s hard to convey just how hard it is raining; like someone turned a big tap on and left it running for hours and hours.  I love the rain here, not only because it cools everything down, but also because it’s a spectacular example of nature.


Categories: Just Photographs, Just Plain Blog

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2 replies

  1. That sky looks like the view out my own window! It doesn’t rain as hard here in SW British Columbia, but it does a good job of trying. This happens in winter, so instead of some delicious cooling, things get downright miserable with high winds and bone-chilling temperatures. But enough griping about the weather here on Canada’s “wet coast.”

    Merry Christmas, Sally!

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